Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Interview Objectives

I would like to know...

  1. Where they are from?
  2. Why did they decide to come to St. Cloud State?
  3. Favorite activities here and back in their other country?
  4. What are some foods back home that are not here in America?
  5. How are classes different here?
  6. How many days did they have class back home a week and what days did they have off?
  7. Did they have summers off or did they go year round?
  8. What are some holidays/ festivals they celebrate?
  9. What are the more important sports back home?
  10. What are weddings like?
  11. Do parents pick the marriage arrangements?
  12. Are there any special events that happen for a child's birth?
  13. What are graduations like back home? Graduation Parties?
  14. What is your major?
  15. Why did you choose that for your major?
  16. Are you going back to....... after you graduate?

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