Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Operationalizing the interview process

  1. Go to Lawrence Hall
  2. Find 4 students
  3. Explain what I am doing
  4. Ask for an interview
  5. If they accept, than schedule a time to meet
  6. Get a recorder, batteries, and a tape
  7. Make sure the recorder works good
  8. Reserve an interview room in the library (Unless meeting somewhere else)
  9. Look over questions that I want to ask
  10. Make 2 copies of the questions
  11. Show up to the interview area early, so the Interviewee is not waiting
  12. Thank the person for coming when they show up
  13. Give them a copy of the questions to look over
  14. Ask if they have any questions before starting
  15. Ask if there are any questions they do not want me to ask from the list
  16. Make sure it is okay to record them during the interview
  17. Have notebook close by to make quick notes
  18. Ask each question clearly (And repeat if needed)
  19. After the interview, thank them once again
  20. Put down all the interview information on paper and sort it
  21. Look up information on the Internet to understand an answer more clearly (if needed)
  22. Write transcript of interview
  23. Post interview transcript on blog

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